Before I jump too far into this post, I just want to be clear that I DIY this stuff for fun. I do not have a degree in any sort of scientific field. Whether what I make is a hydrosol, hydrolat, aromatic water, distillate, tincture, etc. I’m not really sure, so I’m just sticking […]
Month: April 2019
Finger Coiling for Wavy Hair

What A technique used to help train your curls Why Because sometimes we have curls that just don’t like to curl as much, sometimes they need help clumping together, and other times it’s just the easiest way to apply a slippery and watery product How Start with wet hair, either from washing or just by […]
What to do with conditioners that aren’t working for you

Do you have a conditioner sitting around that you’re not using, but can’t be returned for one reason or another? Maybe you got it too long ago, maybe the return policy at the store isn’t great. Here are some ideas to help you use them up! Curly Girl Friendly Conditioners These are conditioners that are […]
Favorite Products

Updated on 1/20/20 I’ll keep updating this list as time goes on so that it’s always accurate. One of the ways I’m figuring out this list is “if I run out tomorrow, would I repurchase?” There are plenty of other products that I use that I’m not sure that I would buy again. IMPORTANT NOTE: […]
Hair Dryer Hack
If you follow me on instagram, you know that majority of my posts are hash tagged with #airdried. With how long my hair takes to dry, I’d been eyeing up the Devacurl Diffuser thinking that if I could just dry my roots that it might speed up the overall drying process. I asked my sister […]
Okra Gel Recipe My two favorite gels homemade gel are my DIY Flaxseed Gel and DIY Okra Gel! The okra gel is highly moisturizing and nourishing. The okra gel doesn’t have quite as much hold as the flaxseed gel, so I love to combine the two for the best of both worlds! Okra Gel Recipe The base […]