If you need a more intense refresh, check out my How I Refresh post. But if you’re just looking for something quick and easy to tame some light frizz and to revive curls that are falling flat, this one is for you! All you need is a spray bottle (I prefer a flairosol bottle), some […]
Hair info
Reasons for Hair Loss/Hair Fall

One of the things that can lead people towards a curly journey is hair loss. One of the things that can alarm people at the beginning of their curly hair journey is hair loss! Regardless if when you started losing hair, it can be alarming. It’s a topic that is always at the forefront on […]
Behairful Brush Review/Styling
Disclaimer: I was provided with free product in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and are not influenced by the developing company and/or its affiliates in any way. I styled with a brush…and it worked! Behairful was nice enough to send me a brush to try out and, to […]
Wash Day Routine!

I finally posted my video for my wash day routine! I have dragged my feet on it for a long time since I know I make funny faces while doing this stuff. One of the reasons I’ve been asked for this more is because I finally figured out how to style my higher density hair […]
Curl Knowledge 101

Hair is hair, right? That’s what I thought before I figured out my hair was curly and then my mind was blown by how much I didn’t know about hair. Whether you’re new to being curly or just wanting to understand better, here’s your first look at understanding hair. Before I get too far into […]
Hair Texture

To figure out your hair texture, compare it to a standard piece of thread. Medium is about the same size as a piece of thread, fine is thinner, coarse is thicker. The same way that you can have different porosity, density, and curl patterns around your head, you can also have different textures. For example, […]
Hair Density

As mentioned in the texture post, the terminology used for density and texture are often confused. Fine and coarse are terms to describe single strands, while thin and thick reference the number of strands in any give area of your head. So your hair can just as easily be thick and fine or thin and […]
Hair Porosity

Hair porosity is, well, what it sounds like- how porous is your hair? This matters because it determines how easily your hair is able to get hydrated and if it is able to retain moisture. I’d argue that porosity is more important to know than your hair type for how your hair will react to […]
Curl Pattern/Type

First on the list of things you didn’t know was “a thing” before diving into the curly world- hair typing. Turns out there’s more than just basic denomination of “curly or straight.” I’m sure at this point everyone has seen pictures like my terrible drawing that I did in “paint” pictured above. These are curl […]
Curl Product Hacks!

Whether you’re new and trying to save some money on the investment or just trying to look for ways to be more economical, this post is for you! Note: Not all of these hacks are truly Curly Girl Method approved- but they would be fine for modified CG. Cleansers You need to do a final […]